(CNSNews.com) - Between January 2021 and January 2022--President Joe Biden’s first year in office--the price of unleaded gasoline increased 40.8 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
During that same one-year period, the price of used cars and trucks increased by 40.5 percent.
The price beef and veal products increased 16.0 percent, according to BLS. That included a 13.0 percent increase in the price of uncooked ground beef; a 17.1 percent increase in the price of uncooked beef steaks; and a 19.2 percent increase in the price of uncooked beef roasts.
(CNSNews.com) - Between January 2021 and January 2022--President Joe Biden’s first year in office--the price of unleaded gasoline increased 40.8 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
During that same one-year period, the price of used cars and trucks increased by 40.5 percent.
The price beef and veal products increased 16.0 percent, according to BLS. That included a 13.0 percent increase in the price of uncooked ground beef; a 17.1 percent increase in the price of uncooked beef steaks; and a 19.2 percent increase in the price of uncooked beef roasts.
The price of pork increased 14.1 percent.
The price of chicken increased 10.3 percent.