I know many here have been on this journey far longer than I, and I know a lot of little things have been moving in the right direction for the good guys. And my sadness may be deepened at how awful the insanity is in NZ, but after the bright shining hope of the Trump years, I can't help but feeling that many of the good people in all of our lives are not going to make it out of this horrific period of our history. I believe in my very soul that the Great Awakening is the last, best chance for the glory of freedom in humanity. But we've been in Covid hell now for 693 days in NZ. We too had a stolen election that nobody recognises. This graphic above illustrates just how effective is the blanket evil that is suffocating the truth. I can see progress, but it is so, so incremental. I know that this is a thing for humanity. But it's tough to deal with the agonising slowness and the date-fagging. January and the 12 month window seemed so credible as a point of hope, but that has been and gone. I'm beginning to believe that this truly is the 4th turning and we can expect this fight to go on and on and on until the end of the decade before the cold, dank, clammy hand of evil is lifted from the world. So many people are just holding on by their fingertips right now, what will be left of the world if it is going to be years more of this - I know whatever it is - it is immensely better than the eternal slavery that the cabal envisage. But "good things take time" could mean that there is nothing left to save? And if that is the end result of good winning out, then how is that better than what the cabal are fighting for? It seems to me that the victors, whoever it is, will enjoy ruling over the only the ashes.
I know many here have been on this journey far longer than I, and I know a lot of little things have been moving in the right direction for the good guys. And my sadness may be deepened at how awful the insanity is in NZ, but after the bright shining hope of the Trump years, I can't help but feeling that many of the good people in all of our lives are not going to make it out of this horrific period of our history. I believe in my very soul that the Great Awakening is the last, best chance for the glory of freedom in humanity. But we've been in Covid hell now for 693 days in NZ. We too had a stolen election that nobody recognises. This graphic above illustrates just how effective is the blanket evil that is suffocating the truth. I can see progress, but it is so, so incremental. I know that this is a thing for humanity. But it's tough to deal with the agonising slowness and the date-fagging. January and the 12 month window seemed so credible as a point of hope, but that has been and gone. I'm beginning to believe that this truly is the 4th turning and we can expect this fight to go on and on and on until the end of the decade before the cold, dank, clammy hand of evil is lifted from the world. So many people are just holding on by their fingertips right now, what will be left of the world if it is going to be years more of this - I know whatever it is - it is immensely better than the eternal slavery that the cabal envisage. But "good things take time" could mean that there is nothing left to save? And if that is the end result of good winning out, then how is that better than what the cabal are fighting for? It seems to me that the victors, whoever it is, will enjoy ruling over the only the ashes.