"When you've got a situation where one side is clearly the bad guys, rather than actually fucking standing for something, these people can always always always be counted on to chime in and go "BUT BOTH SIDES ARE TO BLAME--" no shut the fuck up. You make me want to vomit.
Sure. Depending on the issue both sides often suck, but when you are talking about ONE FUCKING TOPIC where one side is clearly the villain in that story try to focus the little hamster wheel in your head long enough to have the decency to lay the blame where it actually belongs, rather than letting us all know how fucking virtuous and above the fray you are.
BUT WHATABOUT-- no. Shut the fuck up. Usually when you assholes chime in the problem is something like 90% one side's fault and the other 10% is the other side not reacting to their bullshit correctly. That's not equivalent. Grow a fucking spine and be honest for once.
Because most of the time when these assholes chime in they are actually on the same side as the assholes who caused the problem, and this way they can just obfuscate the issue, and they are counting on regular people to be too fucking nice to call them on their bullshit.
Sometimes the topic is complicated, and multiple sides are at fault, and they did equally cause the issue. Usually not though. But even when that does happen the chickenshit Moral Equivalence Police will snidely try to provide cover for their team. And note, nowhere in here have I named the teams or the topic, because I've seen this at least a dozen times today across the internet. It's fucking insidious."
Whew. Well said.