These are the same Jewish prisoners who were incarcerated in the same camp and at the same time as other Jews who claim Jews were turned into bars of soap and lampshades, robot Nazi terminators would roam the camp on rail tracks while holocausting Jews, crazy Nazi scientists were performing hand-swap surgeries on Jewish prisoners while buckets full of Jewish blood would magically dance around the room for some reason, massive geysers of Jewish blood would erupt from the campground for some reason, masturbation sex machines were used to torture Jewish penises, the pedal-powered-brain-basher, the cage with the bear and the eagle that was used to kill a new Jew every day for everyone to witness, entire lakes were converted to acid so escaping Jews would be dissolved as they tried to swim to freedom, Nazis skeet shooting using newborn Jewish babies and massive crematorium chimneys that would puff out different colored smoke depending on what family of Jew was being burned.
Someone isn't telling the truth. We have photos of the pool, the camp orchestra, photos of Jews having fun producing plays, moving screenings in the dining halls. What we don't have is any evidence of the Nazi terminator robots, masturbation machines, the bear and eagle cage, Jewish lampshades and soap, etc. beyond the evidence that forensically proved these tall tales never happened.
OK. Here's what you requested:
Jewish prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp (notorious for being the most horrendously cruel Nazi prison camp) as they recall summers relaxing by the pool and playing soccer with the Nazi prison guards and enjoying the prison camp orchestra the would often play during the day and working with the prison guards to perform theater productions for the amusement of the prisoners. Jews who recall enjoyable evenings watching live bands, theater productions and movie screenings in their dining halls for their dining pleasure.
These are the same Jewish prisoners who were incarcerated in the same camp and at the same time as other Jews who claim Jews were turned into bars of soap and lampshades, robot Nazi terminators would roam the camp on rail tracks while holocausting Jews, crazy Nazi scientists were performing hand-swap surgeries on Jewish prisoners while buckets full of Jewish blood would magically dance around the room for some reason, massive geysers of Jewish blood would erupt from the campground for some reason, masturbation sex machines were used to torture Jewish penises, the pedal-powered-brain-basher, the cage with the bear and the eagle that was used to kill a new Jew every day for everyone to witness, entire lakes were converted to acid so escaping Jews would be dissolved as they tried to swim to freedom, Nazis skeet shooting using newborn Jewish babies and massive crematorium chimneys that would puff out different colored smoke depending on what family of Jew was being burned.
Someone isn't telling the truth. We have photos of the pool, the camp orchestra, photos of Jews having fun producing plays, moving screenings in the dining halls. What we don't have is any evidence of the Nazi terminator robots, masturbation machines, the bear and eagle cage, Jewish lampshades and soap, etc. beyond the evidence that forensically proved these tall tales never happened.