If you take a simple look at recent events, it's fascinating what's going on.
-For months now they've be advertising HIV drugs. New ones.
-That was followed by an explosion of ads to get tested for HIV
-Now, even anons here and on other platforms, people are posting about their physicians asking strange questions about HIV tests.
-Luc Montagnier dies. This is the man who discovered the virus that causes AIDS, dies at 89. Now you could argue he was just old but the timing is always relevant.
-Pfizer is selling pills with HIV medication in it for covid
-A woman was declared "cured" of HIV just yesterday
-Prince Harry is imploring people to get tested for HIV. What for? No reason. Just get tested average people, everywhere. Not strange at all.
-New AIDS vaccine coming.
It hasn't even been two years since the mass jabs began inoculation. The world can be a very different place by summer time.
mRNA gene editing (the Vaccines) use an engineered virus to do the RNA, DNA edits. In order to do gene editing a virus is programed to enter an organism, splice into DNA and insert RNA programming code. mRNA vaccines are not vaccines at all, they ARE gene editing.
The big problem scientists have had in the past with gene editing via injections in humans is that the immune system sees and destroys the invading virus before enough RNA is introduced to make any lasting change. One way around this is to use a sneaky virus that mimics the systems it is evading. What virus do we know that does that. HIV
What virus was used in the mRNA shots to deliver the gene edits? Look into GP120. Unlike a traditional vaccine that uses inactive or damaged virus in the injection a mRNA gene edit requires an active virus.
I think we are dealing with both HIV/AIDS and VAIDS, as well as numerous side effects to the mRNA injections that is not attributed to HIV/AIDS and VAIDS. Like the heart issues and blood clots, Strokes and neuroligical issues... Lots of reactions to the shots themself even before VAIDS or GP120(HIV protein) start causing problems.
Sounds to me like you are describing the viral vector vaccines like J&J/Janssen and AstraZeneca in the beginning of your post. They use a modified adenovirus (synthetic or engineered virus). The mRNA ones inject the actual mRNA wrapped in a lipid nanoparticle coating, so that it enters our cells directly without needing a synthetic virus to do it.
Both have the end goal of editing the host’s RNA/DNA in my opinion. Just different ways of going about it.
Is the lipid nanoparticle made with GP120?