How do you think the GME will work out? Moass? Or will govt interfere ? I think govt will do something to piss off the apes. Part of pushing people to the precipice.
I've heard that reason "why they wouldn't interfere" on superstonk a million times. I disagree because people can still make money off the U.S. market. They would rationalize it as: "Only shorted meme stocks are manipulated" ... And it's true, you can still make money off the market even if a lot of it is manipulated. Not everyone in foreign nations are looking for short squeeze stonks.
How do you think the GME will work out? Moass? Or will govt interfere ? I think govt will do something to piss off the apes. Part of pushing people to the precipice.
I've heard that reason "why they wouldn't interfere" on superstonk a million times. I disagree because people can still make money off the U.S. market. They would rationalize it as: "Only shorted meme stocks are manipulated" ... And it's true, you can still make money off the market even if a lot of it is manipulated. Not everyone in foreign nations are looking for short squeeze stonks.
I know it's not, it has great fundamentals and a huge future, that's why I went all in. If it was AMC i would have not invested much at all.
But still state pension funds aren't in it for MOASS.