My candidates are: Baal Gates of Hell
He is the guy that controls Fauci and the pharmaceutical industry. He uses his “sickle”, Fauci, to cut down anyone that follows him to death. Gates, however much charisma he lacks, makes up for it with the fact that he always had that image of being a nice old man that cares about everybody. He tricked so many people into committing suicide for the “betterment of humanity”. He has the tongue of a viper and presents himself as the savior of humanity. It’s obvious to you or me that he sucks but many are still asleep.
Bill Gates might be a Merovingian. They’re the Bloodline that brags about having “the blood of Christ” and the “seed of satan” and claims they are descendent from the house of David.
Elon Musk:
Everything he does is weird. He fools tons of people. If someone is half asleep, they might hate Bill Gates, but if Elon says the same stuff Gates would, they’d praise him. He’s a very Quirky and weird guy, just like Napoleon and Hitler, and he moves millions of people with his anti establishment rhetoric. He fuses Right Wing types of thought with Transhumanism and Technocracy. Napoleon fused Right Wing traditionalism with satanic French revolutionary thought and Hitler fused Traditional mentality with occultism and corporatism. He supports one world currency, in the form of crypto. He positions himself as a savior against the dark ages. Just like Napoleon and Hitler, everything he does is fake and predetermined. He wants to implant chips into us, but he does the mean tweets so he’s a hero for the right and a demon to the left.
George Bush Jr:
He’s related to everybody
You guys know how much bloodlines mean to these guys. They are EVERYTHING
This one is a bit out there at this point. He doesn’t have the cult of personality that he used to. Here’s the list of things that make him a candidate:
He committed the most shameful acts of human sacrifice on 9/11 to ramp up his popularity.
He used his cult of personality and connections to distract people from what was going on.
The war on terror was a horrific blood bath.
The Corporatocracy grew horrifically quick during his reign.
His pandering to lobbyists and connections let the wars in the Middle East continue after his presidency.
The Military industrial complex that his father helped build was built up and shaped by Bush Jr.
His Corporatocracy is ushering in the Great reset.
The Bible gives signs re: end times, anti-Christ, etc.
We are to be aware of the signs with faith and guidance from the Holy Spirit and discernment gifted by's there for the asking.
Christ Himself said that only the Father knows the time, etc.
Ours is to be patient and to trust with faith.