I saw the post that tuberculosis deaths were way up recently, and found this article from WHO.
They are anticipating even more deaths in 2021 and 2022 from tuberculosis due to COVID….but blame things like lack of timely treatment as the cause. But then I saw this line:
“For example, approximately, 1.5 million people died from TB in 2020 (including 214 000 among HIV positive people)..”
TB became a major problem when HIV was surging---back in the 80s and early 90s before anti-retrovirals were widely introduced. People with immune-supression just could not fight off TB. In the US, many with HIV were IV drug users, who lived in environments with sub-optimal health conditions. I would imagine that if the COVID vaccine creates another epidemic of Immune Deficiency Syndrome, the same situation will occur.
The 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic that killed 50-100 million people was a result of a military vaxxine experiment that went terribly awry. An outbreak bacterial tuberculosis was documented.