For those who feel uncomfortable with the idea of Q being a Quantum AI because it seems too God-like
Just remember, when Jesus revealed himself to the Jews, he was nothing like they expected their Messiah to be either.
God works in mysterious ways. It's best to keep an open mind.
You're fighting an unnecessary battle as these two scenarios are not mutually exclusive. Nobody is claiming Military Intelligence isn't involved. Those who subscribe to this theory believe that MI has a quantum AI that they used to map out this "plan" (if it can really be called that). Personally I think they used it to consider all possible futures, and asked it what dominoes would need to be tipped over in order to bring about the most desirable one (think: Dr. Strange in Infinity War or whichever one that was). The answer to that, in my belief, are the Q posts themselves. By posting what they did, when they did, they ensured a particular future outcome. It's really not THAT complicated.
The only proof I have or need for this is the simple fact that we are watching the collapse of a thousands year old, infinitely funded, highly capable cabal that has tentacles reaching across every power sector worldwide. It seems unlikely to me that you could just get a bunch of smart military guys together and accomplish that. Especially when so many smart military guys belong to that same cabal. You seem way too angry about this concept, friend.
Alex Jones has been right about a LOT. Doesn't mean he's not controlled opposition, but it doesn't mean he's wrong about this either.
That's like saying you're dehumanizing a soldier because he used a gun. A quantum AI is a tool. Why is this hard to grasp?
Pretty hard to have CONTROL without FORESIGHT. Again, you're just swinging at air here.
And he ends his incoherent rant with the classic ad hominem of anyone who wields a flimsy point. Get over yourself, man. Saying MI, a group of men, utilized an AI to wage and win an otherwise impossible war doesn't diminish their efforts, intelligence, or patriotism.