Again, I'm sorry but I have NO ONE to help me. I've prayed and prayed and I don't know what to do. I will probably get ridiculed for this but I literally don't have a choice. I need advice . My son and only child is deeply into drugs and alcohol is on a fast downward spiral . I HAVE TO SAVE HIM. What can I do?
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Almost a month and a half. He's talked about it with me but he's addicted. He said he would ween himself off but he isn't. A lot of bad actors have come out of the woodwork to be 'buddies' with him. To use him. They are all drunks and addicts that are pretending to be his friends. They are connected to some VERY bad dangerous people. We are in VERY real danger in more than one way.
Getting him away from them is essential. They are also dangerous to you.