... the vaccines will cause AIDS/VAIDS.
It has to be personal. It has to hit hard. For everyone. Especially younger normies who are so absorbed in Tic Tok, social media etc that they can't see anything past their phone screens.
War in Ukraine? Not big enough.
Canada falling to communism? Not enough normies would care.
Financial implosion? Maybe... Although people always find a way to get by.
But if the mass population thinks they're going to DIE? That'll do the trick.
NATO Troops on US/Canadian/Mexican soil. Remember the FEMA camps at abandoned Walmarts? Those reported 3,000 guillotines and plastic coffins from the BHO era? What about the thousands of military aged men- Afghan refugees and illegals pouring over the boarder for their paramilitary with ANTIFA-BLM? It's reported that HRC & evil mastermind Marc Elias now handling ANTIFA.