You can't get any more proof than this. BLM protests against the harming and killing of black people by the government. Whether they were right or wrong in this belief, matters not. What does matter is that the same government PROTECTED them while they burned, looted and murdered. Our Canadian brothers also protested what they believe to be an attempt, by their government, to harm them. WITHOUT burning, looting or murdering. Behold what the government did to them. (I know that blacks have joined the protests in Canada and I salute them. We have nothing but love for you. We don't see color like the government, and the evils they represent, does.)
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communists like wedging the issue of 'racisim'
Double standard governments. What else is new? I wondered what would have happened if all the truckers and protestors had dressed in Antifa black, or claimed to be BLM? The mandates would have ended just like that!!! However, the DS would have won.
We may have had to partially retreat this battle, but we will win this War. NCSWIC.