Comments (11)
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(Updated): Anyone got the contact info for the tourism board in Canada? Let them know as long as they support a dictator who threatens his own people, you'll not be spending your tourism dollars there.
😈 Lets get this moving, eh?
$84 billion to the Canadian Economy is a big chunk to lose because you support a dictator. Think how many Canadian normies will wake up if they find their tourism related job is in danger because of Trudough. Will they keep supporting him?
No one supports Trudeau here in Canada. Stop spreading your "hate Canada" garbage.
This isn't hate Canada. I love Canada. I hate what your leaders are doing, just like I hate with the leaders in the US are doing.
If your citizens are as complacent as US citizens, then putting pressure on them to put pressure on their leaders will only help all of us.
If you all hate Trudeau, then do something about it. Call your reps and scream bloody murder. Protest. If you all hate him, your neighbors should be calling in also. Whether they're in Ottowa, at the border, whatever. If people are too complacent and comfortable, they won't mind when you are walked into the gas chamber. It wasn't them so why do they care? They got their salary, and can take the tourists around the high fences that hide the death camps.
Who the hell is a tourist in Canada? OK, I am in Florida, no beach no visit. I was joking. Went to Canada twice. Beautiful country. People amazing. Government sucks big ass.
I wondered why no one had suggested this. I will buy no products made or with parts from Canada until their people are free and Trudeau is gone.
That is great. How do we let them know?
I think they'll notice real fast if exports hit the skids, tourism revenues plunge. I think it's more important to tell people in the US and elsewhere than to tell Canada.
Very good point. LETS GOOOOOO!
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