I've been dragging my feet for a while out of ignorance, am eyeballing a few of the different places to roll my traditional IRA to, hopefully before the shit totally hits the fan.
Just looking for any recommendations, tips, etc.
Here are some that I am looking at:
this would support BRIGTEON: https://treasureislandcoins.com/iras
this one via gab ads: https://www.401k.gold
or goldwithseth.com which supports Man in America
I've been looking into it myself considering what I'm going to do with the IRAs that I stopped contributing to in 2021 but the self-directed ones look like they will mire you in fees for every little thing instead plus yeah how can you trust the metal not actually being in your custody?
The situation is different for a Roth IRA where you already paid taxes, I was able to pull out my principal without penalty to fund PM purchases to keep in my own private safe. Unfortunately to do that with a Traditional you'll have to pay the back-taxes on the contributions on your next tax return.