Quebec might get HOT! 🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
posted ago by StormzAComing ago by StormzAComing +59 / -0

Very interesting idea I had today while hanging with frens.

Since the protests have not begun to dwindle in the face of UN communist juggernaut-suited thugs, but instead grown in size and determination and location, there is a real chance that the Quebecois will declare their right of self-determination and split in all of this mess. Losing a third of Canada's population and territory (as well as most of their Atlantic ports) will not go over well, and you can be certain there will be military action.

But let's dive deeper. Why would Quebec declare independence? Under what circumstances might they do so? Luckily, history gives us clues.

You see, the Frenchies originally colonized Canada. They lost to the Brits in the French and Indian War (strange name since the Brits did most of the fighting, not the Native Americans), and so England took Canada. The new owners quickly discovered that between their territorial ambitions, the French resistance, and the Native Americans not assimilating well (not to mention economic troubles as the pelt trade had the track record of bitcoin). So, they devised a fairly rational plan to keep Quebec autonomous from the rest of Canada, and also make French an official language. To most people, it was believed that this would be a long-lasting solution, but just look at Cameroon. Tribes are divided over whether they speak English or French, and there have been ongoing wars and efforts by the "Anglophones" to join Nigeria since its independence. And that was how many years ago?! They've been fighting for over fifty years. Neither side can figure out an end to the conflict because neither side really wants to deal with the other.

And this is like Quebec. Currently, independence referendums fail by margins of 5%. At that point, it's honestly better to grant independence since most people say no because they assume (wrongly) that the local autonomous government cannot function without the parent country. Which is, in most cases (except Bougainville), totally wrong. Quebec is a modern, post-industrial region, with a huge economy and a large enough population to support a military and a bureaucracy. And they are more than capable of holding elections and managing a government, because they done that since they gained autonomy.

So, under what circumstances might Quebec secede from Canada? There are several circumstances.

The most important to us today is if the Canadian Government went down a path that is patently anti-freedom and supports power to the government. Since Quebec is autonomous, they despise any attempt at losing their autonomy. Right now, they are losing their autonomy as Canadian citizens to choose what they put on and in their bodies, and where they can travel, and what businesses they can visit. And Quebec is fairly pro-freedom (being Canadian and autonomous kinda helps with that). If Castreau in the next few days declared a police state or dictatorship of some kind to deal with these "dangerous violent extremist truckers" which are actually families coming out to protest tyranny, that would make Quebec seriously consider leaving. For good.

Another reason is if Quebec's economy began to outpace Canada's as a whole. Their tourism sector is huge anyway, but more businesses are moving to Quebec due to a slightly fairer tax system. And this will all increase Quebec's GDP relative to Canada. If they are growing hugely, they might not want to be bogged down by Ontario not receiving as much business and commerce. And they certainly would prefer independence over that. And with a larger economy, they can take care of themselves independently.

Another reason is culture. As tyranny grows ever more potent, we are going to see a more segregated society between French and English speakers. Following the old adage of "birds of a feather clock together," the French people might decide to begin moving back towards the "heartland" of French Canada, taking economy with them. If, by chance, Canada is so fundamentally divided by language that French Quebec is barely cohesive with English Canada and barely considers itself Canadian due to the huge culture difference, they might say "You know what? I'm outta here!" and leave.

Any of the above reasons are excellent points, but there are others that are not as likely to happen in the near future.

I'm not suggesting Quebec leave Canada, because it would make for some ugly borders and giant exclaves and detached land, but this alone should make the Canadian Government think twice before instigating more resistance.