There aren't just a "few bad apples" at this point. The whole barrel is rotting. I called the cops about a family member talking about suicide, and 30 minutes later there's a six-man SWAT team in full battle rattle with AR-15s drawn duck stepping up the driveway in formation. What the fuck? Were they there to help him along? That's the last time I call the cops for anything.
These jack-booted fascist idiots don't realize that the Government that they love so much will eventually steal their pensions, and they will die penniless and defenseless, while robot cops who replace them will patrol the streets.
And then I woke up and realised the Q plan had worked, and all these idiots are in jail.
Unbelievable, Canadians better never forget about this. I always donate to the local police in my area so I am not anti police but these jackboots went too far and hopefully our friends up north NEVER forget.!!!
I will never look at any cop the same again. If you’re a LEO call these guys and tell them knock it off.
If I saw you LEO on the side of the road getting your a$$ beat or about to get shot. I’m looking the other way and you’re going to find more and more people doing the same. GL spending your retirement from beneath the headstone.
How do we know that any of these ‘LEOs’ are actually serving Canadian police officers....!
Why did they remove all identification from their uniforms, not even numbers... which is required....!
Are they protecting their names because they aren’t police officers..... but are sub contractors acting under the emergency powers...... if Trudeau hadn’t invoked the emergency act .... he could not use outside contractors but now he can legally use non police officers as ‘additional security’.....
Wrong premise... these aren't "men".... they are (literally) jack-booted thugs of the Empire who are "only following orders." True MEN would have balked at the first illegal order given them. These are just two Nazi pussies who have the corrupt State backing them up.
I did to until I saw one shoot a unarmed man sitting in a booth in a bar and he was promoted to Sargent in the State police. He was a drunk and a whore chaser,, raised a drug addicted crack head,, beat his wife regularly and drove his drunk friends around the state and flashed his badge every time they got caught doing something illegal.
His friends would do fund raising for every top 2 politicians running for office so they would have influence st every level. Most are to simple minded to see how it works.
The same men that starve nd freeze women and children to death after turning off the heat and stealing their supplies, Bolcheviks.
There aren't just a "few bad apples" at this point. The whole barrel is rotting. I called the cops about a family member talking about suicide, and 30 minutes later there's a six-man SWAT team in full battle rattle with AR-15s drawn duck stepping up the driveway in formation. What the fuck? Were they there to help him along? That's the last time I call the cops for anything.
I'm glad you learned what some of us have known for decades.
I always gave them the benefit of the doubt, but after that, my opinion changed.
These jack-booted fascist idiots don't realize that the Government that they love so much will eventually steal their pensions, and they will die penniless and defenseless, while robot cops who replace them will patrol the streets.
And then I woke up and realised the Q plan had worked, and all these idiots are in jail.
Unbelievable, Canadians better never forget about this. I always donate to the local police in my area so I am not anti police but these jackboots went too far and hopefully our friends up north NEVER forget.!!!
The police are not your friend.
I will never look at any cop the same again. If you’re a LEO call these guys and tell them knock it off.
If I saw you LEO on the side of the road getting your a$$ beat or about to get shot. I’m looking the other way and you’re going to find more and more people doing the same. GL spending your retirement from beneath the headstone.
Pretty bold to attack a woman as soon as she turned her back on him.
They are not men. They are communist. I hope their families realize it.
How do we know that any of these ‘LEOs’ are actually serving Canadian police officers....!
Why did they remove all identification from their uniforms, not even numbers... which is required....!
Are they protecting their names because they aren’t police officers..... but are sub contractors acting under the emergency powers...... if Trudeau hadn’t invoked the emergency act .... he could not use outside contractors but now he can legally use non police officers as ‘additional security’.....
Wrong premise... these aren't "men".... they are (literally) jack-booted thugs of the Empire who are "only following orders." True MEN would have balked at the first illegal order given them. These are just two Nazi pussies who have the corrupt State backing them up.
Thugs. What to do with them? We need to provide a useful place in society for these unfortunates. Somewhere far, far away.
A glowfag is gonna glowfag.
Everyone knows this.
Men who are enslaved
The guy filming sounds like shoresy from letterkenny
I did to until I saw one shoot a unarmed man sitting in a booth in a bar and he was promoted to Sargent in the State police. He was a drunk and a whore chaser,, raised a drug addicted crack head,, beat his wife regularly and drove his drunk friends around the state and flashed his badge every time they got caught doing something illegal. His friends would do fund raising for every top 2 politicians running for office so they would have influence st every level. Most are to simple minded to see how it works.
Not men. Cowards, who would buckle without backup and guns to real adversity.
Small dick energy in stripes.