Other content was working according to other people who reported the same issue on Telegram channels, and they could still play content they had queued up, just not load his channel.
And a network outage would cause you not to be able to access anything on Spotify.
it can be if I was alone, there were ton of people reporting it on twatter in the same timeframe of 3-4 hours. Like some twater friend said it could be they are preparing to delist or censor him and not be noticed by bigger populous.
Other content was working according to other people who reported the same issue on Telegram channels, and they could still play content they had queued up, just not load his channel.
And a network outage would cause you not to be able to access anything on Spotify.
taps forehead
nah it can be if I was alone, there were ton of people reporting it on twatter in the same timeframe of 3-4 hours. Like some twater friend said it could be they are preparing to delist or censor him and not be noticed by bigger populous.
PS .Fuck your internet points and likes and shares