Never forget that the NYT is THE LEADING DISINFORMATION OUTLET of the DS. It is far too late for them to salvage any credibility. As with anything coming from the NYT, one needs to look for the motives and ask yourself, "What is the REAL story here? .... how are they trying to manipulate the narrative now?"
Even if the NYT came out tomorrow and said the 2020 election was full of fraud and deceit, I still would not trust them until I saw a track record of truth for another 10 or 20 years. THAT is how bad they are.
Never forget that the NYT is THE LEADING DISINFORMATION OUTLET of the DS. It is far too late for them to salvage any credibility. As with anything coming from the NYT, one needs to look for the motives and ask yourself, "What is the REAL story here? .... how are they trying to manipulate the narrative now?"
Even if the NYT came out tomorrow and said the 2020 election was full of fraud and deceit, I still would not trust them until I saw a track record of truth for another 10 or 20 years. THAT is how bad they are.