I promise this will make sense. Word count does not prove a point, hence below is as shaved and shortened I could get it. Enjoy.
The ones that sit back permanently boast of how people are out of their minds for thinking Trump will return and also ‘worry’ of civil “unrest” as result. NO. WRONG. Civil Unrest ( as if it ever rested ) planned and coordinated directly resulted in aiding the thieves that STOLE THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES ELECTION FOR THE MOST POWERFUL POSITION IN THE WORLD right in front of all eyes. And it still remains, while the same people watch and complain along with acceptance, and do absolutely nothing about it. They have been compromised - ( that’s an entirely different monster to figure out all the ways as to how )
- or just show true colors. BUT…and a BIG ONE…BUT, what’s more impossible:
A: A sitting President to sit in his seat?
B: To steal that seat? Also stealing said seat ( American Presidential Election ) with PROOF, showing the thieves do not listen, will not, never care, and move right along at their own pace over the heads and demands / best interest of We The People - aka America, the actual country they’ve stolen, which is us, and with the knowledge of the most severe punishment known in American law, aka TO BLATANTLY STEAL AN ENTIRE COUNTRY AND HIDE FROM THE SAME COUNTRY which fired the starting gun ‘shot heard around the world’, just before leaving the door open for the rest of the world to carry out never before measures on every citizen of THEIR countries. And these same shit lip people, Watching it all, none making sense, no common sense whatsoever even adds up to it at all, anomalies even…called out and seen, yet seen and believed or not, accepted as reality. The “suckers”. The really brave big bad washed out washed up ones that they have brainwashed fighting themselves to make themselves acceptable to others expectations which is, well, fantasy, common sense says.
This is why a reality check is in order. Look at the two choices above. Which is easiest to explain? Which is common sense?
Which one is so complex it requires believers to accept it fully, or the ones in reality that are led to research, think deeply, think outside realities boundary box, discover, explore, figure out, help each other and are accepted as a one gigantic body fully, along with standing up to it bravely as soldiers on their foreign soil they have tainted American soil with, digital and put ourselves on the front lines looking for a face to face toe to toe reach…the exact specific army - that the MSM media ( tools they use ) immediately attack - and are so much in favor of the ones protecting a “virus”, LIES, deaths, mental and physical sudden disfigurement, harm on / to the ones they have stolen, Americans, to trample on their own People they are WHERE THEY ARE to absolutely protect. Not attack.
I know that Donald J. Trump is by nature, always so far ahead of their plans, bit like Anon’s who are equally attacked in different ways, and because anonymous anyone cannot be seen or known ( hello media…ever show evidence? How about a drop that exposes you all? ) That’s exactly why 350 absolutely asinine different stories all point to different pin the tail on the donkey boards.
To sum it up: The same ones who think it’s ridiculous to think Trump is coming back, are the ones who watched that same exact seat get stolen in front of them fully. Isn’t that unheard of to do never before done and so outrageous you’d have to SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT?
Tell me exactly how that makes sense: To steal something from someone, and not have it taken back by its rightful owner. The owner that has never lost.
Gotta return the Diamonds baby!!!