Orion as belly button or belt buckle to the belt of The Hunter, it's counterpart on Earth was the Great Pyramids.
Orion killed by Artemis/Diane, and his body flung into the sky as constellation.
One is free to literalize that as well, but I wouldn't advise, to get to the bottom of it.
So the female arc/arch/archer overpowers the male one on Earth and puts him in his place in Heaven. Hmm.....
As the twin sister of Apollo, she represents the Feminine Principle of Wisdom.
Her arrows are darts d'art from Artemis. The word dart has meaning as little 'truths' raining down as love from above. See Cupid.
So Artemis, as Wisdom, takes over Orion, as Fool, here on Earth.
Don't let the meaning of Orion as Fool fool ya.
Traditionally it means zero point or center point, as the Fool in the tarot deck is designated as the zero card.
And so, as Naval of the World, or Zero Point, the pyramids were built 'on earth as it is in heaven' on Orion's Belt.
Mythology is ignored/misunderstood for the most part.
There are those who know better who abuse this fact and create new false ones, twisting meanings, in order to bring a new reality for reasons.
Be as wise or wiser than the serpent, but blameless as a dove.
Orion as belly button or belt buckle to the belt of The Hunter, it's counterpart on Earth was the Great Pyramids. Orion killed by Artemis/Diane, and his body flung into the sky as constellation. One is free to literalize that as well, but I wouldn't advise, to get to the bottom of it. So the female arc/arch/archer overpowers the male one on Earth and puts him in his place in Heaven. Hmm.....
As the twin sister of Apollo, she represents the Feminine Principle of Wisdom. Her arrows are darts d'art from Artemis. The word dart has meaning as little 'truths' raining down as love from above. See Cupid.
So Artemis, as Wisdom, takes over Orion, as Fool, here on Earth.
Don't let the meaning of Orion as Fool fool ya. Traditionally it means zero point or center point, as the Fool in the tarot deck is designated as the zero card.
And so, as Naval of the World, or Zero Point, the pyramids were built 'on earth as it is in heaven' on Orion's Belt.
Mythology is ignored/misunderstood for the most part. There are those who know better who abuse this fact and create new false ones, twisting meanings, in order to bring a new reality for reasons.
Be as wise or wiser than the serpent, but blameless as a dove.
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