posted ago by Hillinsider ago by Hillinsider +93 / -0

Zelensky said the Russians are firing at “military installations”. How broad is that term?

I am seeing speculation that could include US installed biolabs.

At first I was like no way.

Then I started digging.

First I checked if the US even have biolabs in Ukraine. Turns out… we do. And in classic US fashion, it’s marketed as “defense”.

“Biological Threat Reduction Program in Ukraine”.

Studying the “most dangerous viruses in the world” at Russia’s border.

Biological Threat Reduction Program The U.S. Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program collaborates with partner countries to counter the threat of outbreaks (deliberate, https://ua.usembassy.gov/embassy/kyiv/sections-offices/defense-threat-reduction-office/biological-threat-reduction-program/ 3) Okay so we are studying the world’s most deadly pathogens at Russia’s border. It’s just for defense. Not that big of a deal right?

WRONG. I didn’t know this until today, but Russia has been accusing US of creating “bio-weapons” at their border. WHAT!

Vladimir Putin's adviser says U.S. is developing biological weapons near Russia Nikolai Patrushev told Kommersant that the U.S. has labs by Russian and Chinese borders "reminiscent of Fort Detrick in Maryland." https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/russia-china-nikolai-patrushev-vladimir-putin-biological-weapons-1581896%3famp=1 4) And they have good reason to believe that, as the US NIH funded gain of function in Wuhan, then C19 “got out” and it ruined the world.

Russia AND CHINA asked the UN for the US/allies to be “checked and limited” in bio capabilities 4 months ago! WHAT!

China, Russia ask UN to check biological warfare strength of US and allies Beijing’s envoy urges US to agree to a monitoring mechanism, continuing the finger-pointing after the nations traded barbs over the coronavirus’ origins. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3151668/china-russia-ask-un-check-biological-warfare-capability-us-and# 5) DO YOU ALL KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?!

China and Russia indirectly (and correctly) blamed the US for the C19 outbreak, and are fearful that the US/allies have more viruses (bioweapons) to let out.

THIS IS MASSIVE. Yet I’m disturbed that I had didn’t known about this 4 months ago. 6) So how does that pertain to Ukraine?

Well where in Ukraine are the “explosions” taking place.

Here’s a reported explosion in Lutsk.

This is 75 miles inland in far western Ukraine. The opposite border of Russia…

What does this have to do with Crimea/Donetsk in the east?

  1. Reportedly Kiev has seen missile strikes as well. At their airports and military installations.

Kiev is also on the western side of Ukraine. Also a city the US GOV have confirmed the US have built biolabs in.

  1. Putin also continues to call it a “special military operation”.

Says he wants to demilitarize and “denazify” the country but not occupy it. What does he mean by that? What is he really targeting?

  1. Yes, I know he targeted airports and military capabilities; but if Putin really believes, as his admin has stated publicly multiple times, that the US are creating bio weapons at Russia’s borders, then this entire situation could be WAY bigger.

US accuses Russia of spreading conspiracies about the Wuhan coronavirus, including that it's a CIA biological weapon Russia has been spreading coronavirus conspiracies, US officials say. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/us-officials-claim-russian-coronavirus-disinformation-campaign-2020-2%3famp 10) I’m not sure what is going on but in the past 4 months, Russia and China accused the US of creating bioweapons at their borders and none of us heard about and our media wrote it off as “disinformation” and largely didn’t report on it other than to call it a conspiracy theory. For all of this to make sense, you must be privy to the reality that the US NIH did indeed create C19 in Wuhan. Which has been largely accepted as the reality and confirmed in the emails between Collins and Fauci.

We need a reporter to ask Biden admin or international reporters to ask their admins what they know about the US Biolabs in Ukraine.

#USBiolabs Here’s an overlap of reported missile strike locations and the biolab locations. Since the top map was made, more missiles hit Lviv as well.

It certainly appears Putin is targeting the cities and locations with #USBiolabs present.

He is 100% going after the alleged bioweapons.