From some recently passed legislation
::(I) Request the Commissioner of Education to appoint a131 special magistrate who is a member of The Florida Bar in good132 standing and who has at least 5 years' experience in133 administrative law. The special magistrate shall determine facts134 relating to the dispute over the school district procedure or135 practice, consider information provided by the school district,136 and render a recommended decision for resolution to the State137 Board of Education within 30 days after receipt of the request138 by the parent. The State Board of Education must approve or139 reject the recommended decision at its next regularly scheduled140 meeting that is more than 7 calendar days and no more than 30141 days after the date the recommended decision is transmitted. The142 costs of the special magistrate shall be borne by the school143 district. The State Board of Education shall adopt rules,144 including forms, necessary to implement this subparagraph.
Who pays the district? Tax payer? All they need to do is say something happened, they could even do a whole fake court mock up. How many would immediately rush to demand recourse? School district has to pay for everything involving gathering the evidence. Who would have to pay if someone was found negligible? Parents could sue the school? Who pays the school? Tax payer? The parents would be suing themselves!
EVERY FUCKING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who benefits from this the most? Florida Bar? Lawyers?
Where would the money won go?
Remove the legislation