It seems there isn't much data talked about Sinovac's 'CoronaVac' but from the small bits of information I can find on the internet, it seems to be moderately safe (not going to kill you with cancer, AIDS, blood clots, etc) from what I can see. I know some people who have taken SinoVac but I want to know if there are any concerns/doubts/dangers that exist about it? It uses the traditional vaccine method of inactivated virus. The most dangerous thing I can see is it includes aluminum adjuvants. Any thoughts will be appreciated.
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Of course, why I ask though is for the people who have taken it already. I want to be ready to know what to expect from people who have taken Sinovac's vaccine.
In my opinion the origin of the vaccines was the first con job on the public at large. Data was manipulated and vaccines encouraged with that data. I personally have issues with any vaccines because of what is in them. A preservative has to be used which is something like thimerosal (mercury). Also to produce the vaccine fetal tissue is used. It can't be dead tissue. It has to be live so the only place that is produced is by obtaining a fresh fetus. A moral problem for me.