Is there a better take on Ukraine than this? No. The answer is “No.”
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“Spreader of MISSED Information!” How perfect is that?!!
"Lady Deep State was Ms.Information once. Nowadays however, she just Mrs.Information."
I don’t know. I hope I’m allowed to express confusion without Dooming. I agree with this guys sentiments above—Ukraine is a DS playground. I’ve been telling people that for days.
But I am starting to think there is profound trouble ahead. The media is winning the optics and not enough people are awake to discover what the truth is.
But where are we—really in this mess? The fog of war is blinding right now. From the fake Q on TS to Patriots dissing Putin. I’m confused people.
Just having a bad moment. Looking for clarity. I really worry about a full scale war with nukes. We haven’t been this close to war since the Bay of Pigs, and in my opinion that pales in comparison to this.
Lots of Patriots are discouraged. I’m reading all the sacrifices they’ve made—people have lost real things—relationships, homes, jobs. I’m praying for clarity for us all. Keep on keeping on peeps.