Thank you everyone for the kind words. So many people took time out of their lives to share wisdom and thoughts and it makes my gripes smaller.
My glass may not be over-flowing, but it’s at least sitting half full.
Thank you.
Right? I changed careers for trump. I left shithole Cali, I woke up against liberalism. I donated money. I lost my relationship, my dogs, my trucks and boat and house over this shit. I stuck it out- and I’m better but Im a lucky one. There are others who had it worse.
I pray. I have my great awakening to God, but I’m still a sinner and I just want the world to make sense for I can sleep a whole night and feel real joy again.
Agreed, fren. My hardships haven't been nearly as difficult, so I'm sorry yours have been.
The stress of possibilities, the stress of the uncertainty and possible grimdark future, the stress for my family and the stress of those being so negatively affected like yourself all keep me from truly enjoying a lot of things, and certainly prevents me from sleeping properly.
You'll love that they are back together from hiatus and playing shows again, if you didn't already know. Evan seems to be doing well, I think he and his ex-wife are back together again....
Thats amazing! I can't believe they are going to continue to make more magical songs. Thanks for sharing that. I'm very peculiar about the types of country artists I vibe with but Turnpike Troubadours has always had a place in my soul.
Thank you everyone for the kind words. So many people took time out of their lives to share wisdom and thoughts and it makes my gripes smaller. My glass may not be over-flowing, but it’s at least sitting half full. Thank you.
Right? I changed careers for trump. I left shithole Cali, I woke up against liberalism. I donated money. I lost my relationship, my dogs, my trucks and boat and house over this shit. I stuck it out- and I’m better but Im a lucky one. There are others who had it worse. I pray. I have my great awakening to God, but I’m still a sinner and I just want the world to make sense for I can sleep a whole night and feel real joy again.
Agreed, fren. My hardships haven't been nearly as difficult, so I'm sorry yours have been.
The stress of possibilities, the stress of the uncertainty and possible grimdark future, the stress for my family and the stress of those being so negatively affected like yourself all keep me from truly enjoying a lot of things, and certainly prevents me from sleeping properly.
The good news... you have the perfect makings of a country song🐸(not downplaying, just trying to give a smile, fren❤)
Sounds like you're describing the song "Wrecked", by Turnpike Troubadours haha. I friggin love that band :)
You'll love that they are back together from hiatus and playing shows again, if you didn't already know. Evan seems to be doing well, I think he and his ex-wife are back together again....
Thats amazing! I can't believe they are going to continue to make more magical songs. Thanks for sharing that. I'm very peculiar about the types of country artists I vibe with but Turnpike Troubadours has always had a place in my soul.
honored to be in your company, fren.
Sorry for all your loss. I can relate, I’m in the process of reaching everything in your list. I’m here you my fren.