Monsato and Ukraine, the Evil Empire vs the Breadbasket, you just knew it had to be.
👀 EYES ON! 👀
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It seems that is the most dangerous part of Monsanto, their monopoly and patents and takeovers of small farms, I would love to be more enlightened on how the crops themselves are dangerous, my understanding is that GMO is nothing more than what farmers have been doing for centuries, crossbreeding different varieties to obtain better growing plants resistant to whatever they are being crossbred for and that it is not a genuine genetic change being made except for the natural crossbreeding that happens with selective breeding.
This is a happy little half-truth they tell to keep people on their side.
In reality, it’s gene splicing that would never and could never occur with thousands of years of evolution. A bioluminescent squid could never reproduce with a tobacco plant.
Pea plants can pollinate each other because they are genetically compatible. But you can try for years to combine corn with a strawberry and it will likely never work—and this is for a reason.
Here’s a really scary example:
The trial period was just four months.
With that short of a timeframe, why didn’t the manufacturer catch this?
Because their trial period before going to market was just 30 days to determine safety.
Now, some people have questioned the legitimacy of this study, which is completely fair. I believe this one was actually retracted (it was either this one or a similar one) But If you look at the retraction reason, the journal did not question their methods or conclusion. It was retracted because of legal threats.
So a study emerges that may show problems with a product and instead of studying it and making improvements, it was hidden from the public. Instead of more data and more safety studies, consumers received less.
That is why everyone should be incredibly weary. They are messing with things that can have incredible consequences, and they seem (at best) unwilling to admit mistakes. At worst, it’s poisoning people for profit.
It figures corn seems to be a big money maker these days for ethanol etc etc