A very large percent of Americans make decisions based solely on what the people on TV tell them.
I used to think Democrats were generally pro-small guy, anti gun, pro free stuff, pro minority right, anti bug business. This is really giving them too much credit for any core values of tbeir own.
56 % of Democrats support US troops un Ukraine. Why? Because the TV told them so.
They believe truckers are Nazis and BLM rioters are welcome in cities. Why? Because the TV tild them so.
Ivermectin bad. HCQ bad. Because rhe TV tood them so.
No amount of Fauci lyingband flip flopping will deter their trust. No amount of arrested CNN pedophiles will leason their trust.
The vaccine was dangerous until the TV told them it was safe and should be mandatory.
If they learn the vax gave them AIDS they will panic. But their first course of action will be to turn on the TV to learn what they are supposed to think about it and how to respond.
"Though you grind a fool in a mortar, grinding them like grain with a pestle, you will not remove their folly from them." Proverbz 27:22
Try discussing the truth about WW2 if you want to see how real the NPC meme is.
Find someone who claims to be awake and red-pilled and then ask if they know where the six million death-toll number originated? Watch the indoctrinated programming activate as they start clawing at your eyeballs.
I don't know myself where the 6 million number originated from. Seeing how the establishment attacks those who expose a lie makes me believe the "Holocaust" must be no different though.
Where did it originate?
This linked comment briefly summarizes the origins of the six million death-toll fantastically.
Thank you. I'm glad that comment got 51 likes, but disturbed the original got 500 likes.
Blows me away how the most powerful group of people on earth with the bloodiest history is constantly portrayed as helpless victims.
WW2 propaganda is fascinating when you realize we are reminded about it every 30 seconds, every time anything bad happens anywhere in the world - a million memes appear stating the event was just like Hitler. We have endless films created about WW2 and a History Channel that is almost totally devoted to WW2 propaganda... yet 99.9% of the population can't answer a single question about it.
Questions like "where did the six million number originate?" or "why did Germans vote Hitler into power?" or "what triggered the declaration of WW2?" or "why did Germans mandate Jews to wear the yellow star?" or "why did Hitler ban Jews from owning firearms?" or "who were the Nazi checkpoints looking for?" or "what books were the Nazis burning and how often did they do it?".
99.9% of people's heads are so empty that when they're shown photos of German prison guards burying starved prisoners in mass graves, they lack the wherewithal to even ask if those photos were taken before the end of WW2 or two years afterwards during the Great Starvation of 1947... and these are the centerpieces of every holocaust museum and documentary!!!
It's baffling how entire generations of people have been programmed with nothing but soundbites about WW2, yet they can't answer a single question about it. I suspect this is intentional because every fact you know about WW2 will make the official narrative crumble faster. Often, knowing a single fact is enough to destroy the entire false narrative.
I think this is why Q repeatedly posts this image - because Q wants us to research the origins of Antifa, Germany in the 1930s, who created Antifa and the history of Samuel Untermyer, the World Conference of Jews and their declaration of global holy war against Germany in 1933.