Greetings once again Anons!
I present to you Chapter V of the Department of Defense Law of War Manual – Conduct of Hostilities, read aloud for your listening pleasure!
This is a continuation of my DoD Law of War audio video series. As mentioned in my original thread; In translating this manual to audio and video, I hope to bring more researchers into the discussion of the Law of War manual. This manual is a quintessential document for Q research, and should be read, or listened to in its entirety by all members of The Great Awakening board.
Please use this thread to discuss any pertinent or interesting findings in Chapter V of the Law of War manual as you listen along. It is my intention that these stickied threads be a place for Anons to gather and conduct research on individual chapters of the Law of War and any connections to the Q postings that may be found within.
Today's chapter, Conduct of Hostilities, is highly pertinent to the situation that is ongoing in Ukraine, as well as what is to come in Taiwan. I think you will find that many of the topics relate directly to events we are witnessing on a daily basis overseas.
Today’s chapter covers the following topics:
1 - Introduction to the Conduct of Hostilities
2 - Overview of Rules for the Protection of Civilians
3 - Assessing Information Under the Law of War
4 - Rules on Conducting Assaults, Bombardments, and Other Attacks
5 - Discrimination in Conducting Attacks
6 - Military Objectives
7 - Combatants
8 - Civilians Taking a Direct Part in Hostilities
9 - Persons Placed Hors de Combat
10- Proportionality in Conducting Attacks
11- Proportionality – Feasible Precautions in Planning and Conducting Attacks to Reduce the Risk of Harm to Protected Persons and Objects
12 - Proportionality – Prohibition on Attacks Expected to Cause Excessive Incidental Harm
13 - Attacks on Facilities, Works, or Installations Containing Dangerous Forces
14 - Feasible Precautions to Reduce the Risk of Harm to Protected Persons and Objects by the Party Subject to Attack
15 - Undefended Cities, Towns, and Villages
16 - Prohibition on Using Protected Persons and Objects to Shield, Favor, or Impede Military Operations
17 - Seizure and Destruction of Enemy Property
18 - Protection of Cultural Property During Hostilities
19 - Sieges and Encircled Areas
20 - Starvation
21 - Overview of Good Faith, Perfidy, and Ruses
22 - Treachery or Perfidy Used to Kill or Wound
23 - Use of Enemy Flags, Insignia, and Military Uniforms
24 - Improper Use of Certain Signs
25 - Ruses of War and Other Lawful Deceptions
26 - Non-Forcible Means and Methods of Warfare
27 - Prohibition Against Compelling Enemy Nationals to Take Part in the Operations of War Directed Against Their Own Country
As always… remember Anons,
It is our duty and responsibility to read and understand the Law of War. Q coded this manual into their postings for a reason. They wanted Anons to find it; to study it, and disseminate its core tenants far and wide.
Make no mistake Anons, Nuremburg 2.0 is coming.
[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]is [C]oming.
Enter The Storm prepared with the knowledge of the Law of War at your side. The enemy is counting on our ignorance so that their criminality may go unnoticed, and so that their war upon humanity may linger on in the shadows. Do not let our enemy hide in the shadows of ignorance and uncertainty any longer. The Law of War is a gift that the Trump Administration bequeathed to Anons in order to guide us through these dark times.
Enjoy, and GET DIGGING!
The original thread with links to all audio / video recordings can be found here.
The associated Rumble channel, ElevenDotThree, can be found here.
This chapter recording of the Law of War took considerably longer for me to create, as my work life has gotten rather busy this quarter. In addition, the software I have been using to create these videos has not been functioning as I was hoping it would. For future videos, I may cease the use of a synthesized voice and attempt to use OBS and do voice recordings of the next series of chapters. The post production with my current method is taking far longer than I anticipated.
If you are interested in contributing to this project, I am looking for volunteers that would be willing to lend their voice to future chapters of the Law of War. If there is a particular chapter you would be interested in reading, send me a direct message and we can chat about that possibility.
- Qanaut -
That is a very good question.
Chapter I of the Law of War, General Background, goes over this question.
The manual states in section 1.3, Definition of the Law of War, that:
For the purposes of this manual, the law of war is that part of international law that regulates the resort to armed force; the conduct of hostilities and the protection of war victims in both international and non-international armed conflict; belligerent occupation; and the relationships between belligerent, neutral, and non-belligerent States.
For the purposes of this manual, the law of war comprises treaties and customary international law applicable to the United States.
It's all way too polite for war.
Also, nobody told the talisman or all quaida they were suppose to be nice to us.
We're the good guys, we have to follow rules in war so we will be trusted with the peace after. Nobody said that doesn't suck. 😆