Schwab has declared his backing and support for Ukraine, if you had doubts over who the good guys were in this , then as a rule of thumb always back the side that Klaus isn’t on.
Schwab has declared his backing and support for Ukraine, if you had doubts over who the good guys were in this , then as a rule of thumb always back the side that Klaus isn’t on.
Maybe putin pretended to be a puppet until the time was right? Who knows anything anymore?
I know it's so confusing. I wonder if it's an excuse for russia to introduce a digital currency after all the other countries try to crush it economically and then the world follows suit
UK has already designed the digital currency...plans are also steaming ahead to have NHS control us all in the future in UK ....a digital person instead of the straw man now disintegrating. The control will be more and some of me wonders if the majority want this? Do they feel safer being tightly controlled? Because I don't see them even complaining about all the restrictions. They walk where the painted footsteps tell them to whereas the mere thought of doing this makes me do the opposite! They walk in the fresh air masked at all times....I despair they will ever learn the truth. The poor babies traumatized by all this? All this fear...they are controlled by words of fear and the TV....there is no such thing as bird flu...people do research...then you wont live in fear