You might want to look into a Genetic Paper done by Jewish Doctors at John's Hopkins Hospital on Blood Disease's and other problems that are mostly in the Jewish Population. The results show that the palistine population has more "semetic" DNA than any of the population in Israel that came from Europe
For one Big reason, so they could have control of the Temple Mount, a Very Important/Powerful spot on the earth.
Also to claim an end the Dysphoria.
Give Legitimacy to their Jewish claims, so the Hebrew Jews would follow along.
Seams that I need to Post this one more time.
If you want to know more about what happened and when with the Khazar's.
the Book by Arthur Koestler: "The Thirteenth Tribe" will help a lot.
Yes I agree, much of history has been rewritten.
You might want to look into a Genetic Paper done by Jewish Doctors at John's Hopkins Hospital on Blood Disease's and other problems that are mostly in the Jewish Population. The results show that the palistine population has more "semetic" DNA than any of the population in Israel that came from Europe
For one Big reason, so they could have control of the Temple Mount, a Very Important/Powerful spot on the earth. Also to claim an end the Dysphoria. Give Legitimacy to their Jewish claims, so the Hebrew Jews would follow along.