We spent most of the time talking about the backstory of Russia/Ukraine. Some good data points, but without Alpha, the banter was different.
We spent most of the time talking about the backstory of Russia/Ukraine. Some good data points, but without Alpha, the banter was different.
What, no Alpha?!
Hey, so when do you guys record? I've heard Dan Radiostyle mention a couple times on OTF drop by for the recording, but unless he means in person I'm not sure where lol.
Great series, aside from X22 ya'lls channels are pretty much my go to shows now.
Thanks. Alpha is really sick, likely Covid. We actually cut the recording short so Ron could take him some of the Ivermectin we picked up in Tijuana a few weeks back. Moxie subbed in with no notice.
We usually go live right around 4:00 PM PST every Monday, but we haven't started on time yet (working on it).
Excellent, hopefully he'll be back up and about in no time.
Covid or not, Ivermectin seems to be a good thing to take.
Is it true you have to sit through a donkey show before they'll sell to you? kek
Ivermectin worked wonders for me. I got my furry butt kicked by Covid, but that's because I'm an idiot who waited 8 days to take anything.
No donkey show, but the pharmacy was an outdoor kiosk and they still wanted us to wear masks (which I refused to do, of course). I've never seen a more compliant population. 98% were happily masked.
I'm told it's different in other parts of Mexico.