'Pebble Beach' refers to the outdoor White House location from where news crews do their stand-up shots. The pebbles were a temporary fix to the area muddied by the television equipment over many years. The area was permanently fixed during a GW Bush vacation including the addition of power outlets.
So, I think pebble beach residents would refer to the driveway media at the White House.
Who are "Pebble Beach Residents" ?
Might be comms? A lot of mega wealthy Silicon Valley power players have 2nd homes/mansions in Carmel CA, (aka Pebble Beach).
'Pebble Beach' refers to the outdoor White House location from where news crews do their stand-up shots. The pebbles were a temporary fix to the area muddied by the television equipment over many years. The area was permanently fixed during a GW Bush vacation including the addition of power outlets.
So, I think pebble beach residents would refer to the driveway media at the White House.