CrimsonSentinal 9 points ago +9 / -0

BAHAHAHAHAHA! Holy Shiiiiiit! Elon is a certified WH message sender. This isn’t for “us” this is for the brainwashed normies. It’s like watching a slow motion slap across the face. We’re halfway through the slap right now.

CrimsonSentinal 3 points ago +4 / -1

Donald is an old pro... "The Art of the Deal" say that again "The ART of the Deal." It's in the damn title of his first book. He's done so many operations in his lifetime it's actually pretty unbelievable. He helped take down the mafia with Rudy Giuliani. He helped John F. Kennedy Jr. escape a known plot to assassinate him by being one step ahead of the cabal and beating them to the punch with their very own, very well orchestrated plane crash. JFK Jr's "death" had so many comms sprinkled in it too, my personal favorite, "17" people attended his funeral at sea. Watch that water now!

I totally believe Trump's assassination attempt could be faked because he's just that damn good. And, we are really watching a movie... the Cabal were just too stupid to know that they were co-starring in the greatest movie ever made.

Run it all backwards in your head, like rewinding a VHS tape and watching it in reverse. Mentioning Giuliani above made me pause at the part when Rudy is sweating under the lights and his hair dye is comically dripping down his face... he sold it with perfection. Skip back a minute further and Rudy is holding a press conference in front of the "Four Seasons" landscaping business in New Jersey... not the Four Seasons Hotel. Everyone, and the media were sitting there scratching our heads going WTF? The Four Seasons was proof that Donald and the white hats have a sense of humor all the while exposing and taking down the world's longest running, most corrupt, most evil villain known to man... the Cabal.

CrimsonSentinal 2 points ago +2 / -0

If Biden was AI wouldn’t he come off more polished? Instead he slurred and stumbled on words during the debate... on the other hand we are watching a movie and everything we see is by design.

CrimsonSentinal 14 points ago +14 / -0

She wasn’t supposed to lose. We were all going to be in FEMA camps. Their plan was written on the Georgia Guide Stones.

CrimsonSentinal 3 points ago +3 / -0

I love the fact that commie-libs on Twitter/X/Social Media have been spinning like tops since the debate rationalizing one thing after another... and now this, BOOM! BITCHES! SPIN ON THIS!

Poor things, they probably can't wait for this rollercoaster to come to an end.

CrimsonSentinal 0 points ago +1 / -1

No shit! Who in their right mind would volunteer to sit behind a "live" target? A million things could go so wrong as a few audience members found out first hand.

Candace is a fucking retard for even entertaining such a thought.

CrimsonSentinal 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hear Rush Limbaugh’s pronunciation of “ah-Reverend Jaah-ackson” in my head. Miss that guy. RIP Limbaugh.

CrimsonSentinal 2 points ago +2 / -0

It actually should be named LEFTiT... every sub there is filled with insane retarded lefties... it’s unreal.

CrimsonSentinal 1 point ago +2 / -1

Think more critically, why hire an enemy? To set a trap of course, this is the most basic strategy. Read the Art of War, it’s actually a really quick read and then go read The Art of the Deal by our man DJT. Understanding these two must reads will help open up your thinking.

CrimsonSentinal 3 points ago +3 / -0

He created the online pet company Chewy, sold it, bought a shit ton of GameStop shares... basically became the owner, and now is battling the DS Wall Street demons for the betterment of the world. From Canada but lives in Florida. He’s a hero to millions of nerds for saving Game Stop from being shorted into bankruptcy. Speculation is he’s been working with Q team and is part of the “plan.”

CrimsonSentinal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Already removed on Reddit.

CrimsonSentinal 5 points ago +5 / -0

Reddit went out of their way to suppress Ryan Cohen’s TRUMP2024🇺🇸 Tweet the other day.

CrimsonSentinal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, he’s pretty low key about it. The LGBQRSTUVWX community tried to cancel him a few years back and it didn’t work out.

More importantly he’s a patriot who wants the leftist/commies to stay out of his business just like the rest of us.

CrimsonSentinal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right? And it explains the three different shots, first three were from the pro sniper, and then rooftop retard kid slowly reacts to the cellphones buzz or beeper alerting him to fire off another five shots. And the third shot came from the police sniper killing the retarded kid on the roof.

I doubt there’s definitive footage of the kid firing all eight shots.

CrimsonSentinal 2 points ago +2 / -0

My wild theory is the shots came from within the building just below Crooks.

There's a door with a window facing directly towards the stage on that building. They could have slightly opened the door to take the shots, close the door and no-one would be the wiser.

I agree, Crooks doesn't look mentally capable of hitting the broadside of a barn and sprayed the crowd instead. Maybe the IED "trigger devices" on his person were used to send him a signal as to when to start firing in coordination with his MKUltra handlers down below. It's too convenient that a counter sniper team was staged below him. Those were the true assassins, I'm just shocked a pro would miss that shot regardless of Trump's head movement. Unless the sniper had a conscience and "intentionally" mulligan'd the shots.

CrimsonSentinal 3 points ago +3 / -0

His followers know what’s up. Terrence is a gay black male comedian with a huge “right-leaning” group of followers. They aren’t surprised. Btw, he’s not at all in your face with his personal life. I follow him on Instagram and he’s actually quite funny.

CrimsonSentinal 1 point ago +1 / -0

I feel the same, Vance is a distraction, from what I don’t know? I don’t have a good feeling about him and he doesn’t ring true to me on a guttural level.

CrimsonSentinal 4 points ago +4 / -0

Looks to me like an exit wound to the guy wearing the black t-shirt with his hand on the railing. In a split-second he doesn't realize he's been shot... and then goes down. In other footage, as they are removing Trump from the stage you can see people up in that corner trying to flag down others for help.

CrimsonSentinal 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not a fan of Vance at all... plus, his beard not only looks out of place, but he looks like a hipster-duechebag. As a Gen-X'r I don't care for hipster-douchebags, never have, never will.

CrimsonSentinal 14 points ago +14 / -0

Does anyone know how one goes about getting hired onto the firing squad at GITMO... asking for a fren.

CrimsonSentinal 5 points ago +5 / -0

You see it in videos both counter snipers fire on the kid... making a total of at least three total shooters that we know of. Not accounting for any additional sniper coverage off screen.

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