We have all noticed the fake news about the war in Ukraine. Is there an actual conflict? I don't know, I don't live there--but I have only come to trust first hand video footage. Even then...
Anyway, what we have also seen is an over-the-top effort among media sources to push one agenda, and they have been caught telling lies (many posts on this board). Why? Why the desperation?
My opinion is that the DS, possibly the Cabal itself, is backed into a corner. So it's everything AND the kitchen sinkto drive us to the precipice of war.
White Hats... the secret variable. We are watching a movie. So make lists of everyone who is pushing the anti-Russia narrative because they need to be held accountable.
God speed, Anons and Frens. It is nearing the moment where the storm clouds break upon us. Stay strong.
Babylon falls very quickly (in one hour), so a financial implosion makes sense, especially considering the "merchants of the earth" mourn their financial destruction at the fall of Babylon.