What about Big Pharma? They can’t be sued for vaccine injuries Mr. Potato Head. But perhaps there will be a legal work around from the exemption, if they knowingly still put out the shot after all the adverse reactions during world wide trials.
Remington should have never caved to Sandy Hook parents. They are not complicit because a deranged or MK Ultra shot up a school with their gun. If this is even true. I have seen some reports that the children shot were crisis actors. I would not put anything past our government agencies anymore.
What about Big Pharma? They can’t be sued for vaccine injuries Mr. Potato Head. But perhaps there will be a legal work around from the exemption, if they knowingly still put out the shot after all the adverse reactions during world wide trials. Remington should have never caved to Sandy Hook parents. They are not complicit because a deranged or MK Ultra shot up a school with their gun. If this is even true. I have seen some reports that the children shot were crisis actors. I would not put anything past our government agencies anymore.