Greetings once again Anons!
I present to you Chapter VI of the Department of Defense Law of War Manual – Weapons, read aloud for your listening pleasure!
This is a continuation of my DoD Law of War audio video series. As mentioned in my original thread; In translating this manual to audio and video, I hope to bring more researchers into the discussion of the Law of War manual. This manual is a quintessential document for Q research, and should be read, or listened to in its entirety by all members of The Great Awakening board.
Please use this thread to discuss any pertinent or interesting findings in Chapter VI of the Law of War manual as you listen along. It is my intention that these stickied threads be a place for Anons to gather and conduct research or comment on individual chapters of the Law of War and any connections to the Q postings that may be found within.
Chapter VI of the Department of Defense Law of War Manual covers the following topics:
6.1 - Introduction
6.2 - DoD Policy of Reviewing the Legality of Weapons
6.3 - Other Practices to Help Implement Law of War Obligations With Respect to Weapons 6.4 Prohibited Weapons
6.5 - Lawful Weapons
6.6 - Weapons Calculated to Cause Superfluous Injury
6.7 - Inherently Indiscriminate Weapons
6.8 - Poison, Poisoned Weapons, Poisonous Gases, and Other Chemical Weapons
6.9 Biological Weapons
6.10 - Certain Environmental Modification Techniques
6.11 - Weapons Injuring by Fragments Not Detectable by X-Rays
6.12 - Landmines, Booby-Traps, and Other Devices
6.13 - Cluster Munitions
6.14 - Incendiary Weapons
6.15 - Laser Weapons
6.16 - Riot Control Agents
6.17 - Herbicides
6.18 - Nuclear Weapons
6.19 - Explosive Ordnance
6.20 - Explosive Remnants of War
As always,
remember Anons,
It is our duty and responsibility to read and understand the Law of War. Q coded this manual into their postings for a reason. They wanted Anons to find it, to study it, and to disseminate its core tenants far and wide.
Make no mistake Anons, Nuremburg 2.0 is coming.
[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]is [C]oming. u/#Lightning
Enter The Storm prepared with the knowledge of the Law of War at your side. The enemy is counting on our ignorance so that their criminality may go unnoticed, and so that their war upon humanity may linger on in the shadows. Do not let our enemy hide in the shadows of ignorance and uncertainty any longer. The Law of War is a gift that the Trump Administration bequeathed to Anons in order to guide us through these dark times.
I would urge all Anons to take part in the analysis of these chapters. To that purpose, I will outline the methodology in which these chapters can be connected to Q postings below. This methodology was first expanded upon by Carl, also known as Majic Eyes Qnly.
When MEQ analyzes chapters of the Law of War he attempts to find numerical connections that can be formed between Q postings and numbers found in the chapter of the Law of War. The easiest of these to identify would be the chapter subtitles.
I will give an example below.
Subchapter 19 of Chapter 6 is all about Explosive Ordinances
If we look at Q post 619 we can find the following:
Did you spot it!?
How do you defuse a bomb?
There are no coincidences Anons!
Q even deliberately tells us that we have more than we know! This is a reference to the Law of War manual that at the time had yet to be connected to Q posts.
Another example can be found in subchapter 18, which covers Nuclear Weapons.
Did you spot it again!?
No coincidences!
I advise Anons to continue along the lines above. Look inside Chapter VI of the Law of War for other numerical values that can be associated with a Q post. Sometimes a connection is not abundantly apparent until you read deeper into the chapter. Other times, as with Q post 619, it is extremely obvious.
Due to an error in the ways that Q posts link to the board, I will include the remainder of these in the comments below.
Hopefully this helps get some research going!
The original thread with links to all audio / video recordings can be found here.
The associated Rumble channel, ElevenDotThree, can be found here.
- Qanaut -
Sometimes you have to look deeper to find the meaning. This is where digging into the footnotes (omitted from this series) could be fruitful.
Also digging into the people, places, events, and institutions that are referenced. 6.18 and 6.19 are the two most obvious connections, which proves there are additional ones waiting to be found.
Q references crumbs a lot.
Start your journey here.
To answer your question briefly, no. The Law of War was never explicitly linked to the Q postings for obvious reasons. The people behind Q needed to maintain their anonymity and their plausible deniability. They could not jeopardize the plan. They chose to put their faith in Anons and their ability to discern and decode the messages hidden within their postings.