The Germans fought the New World Order Rothschild central bankers and their greatest enemy were the German Communist Party (KPD) - the same people who created Antifa in 1930 and declared a Jewish holy war against German Christians in 1933.
If you believe there are similarities then I challenge you to name them without resorting to the logical fallacies of distractions or personal attacks.
Please stop it.
The Germans fought the New World Order Rothschild central bankers and their greatest enemy were the German Communist Party (KPD) - the same people who created Antifa in 1930 and declared a Jewish holy war against German Christians in 1933.
There are no parallels between German Christians from the 1930s and these New World Order (ahem) Bolsheviks ZOG.
If you believe there are similarities then I challenge you to name them without resorting to the logical fallacies of distractions or personal attacks.
Hitler was not a communist.
Hitler was a national socialist and THIS is how he officially defined it, irrespective of if you agree or not.