💥Maybe stop and ask yourself WHY the official Ukrainian twitter acct is putting out a video featuring Marina Abramović... 🤡☠️
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
@OutlawJW 1h Maybe stop and ask yourself WHY the official Ukrainian twitter acct is putting out a video featuring Marina Abramović - a known satanic high-priestess & Sprit Cooker?
Oh, I should mention that her devotee/pupil Lada Gaga shows up too. https://mobile.twitter.com/ukraine/status/1499468858297659401
I have to say, it's interesting that they allow me to look at the page, & not surprising. Not having an account on Twitter, I can only scroll an inch or 2 until it says 'log in'. They are so desperate to spread their narrative, I was able to scroll the page.
Its possible to suppress login demand popups, the 'show more tweets' thing that stops you scrolling down, most of all the annoyances that happen when you never log in to twitter. Without these, I'd never go there since the site is unusable otherwise.. but its still interesting that they appear to make exemptions to this for the stuff they are most desperate to push.
It is interesting because I'm not on Twitter myself..