Comments (7)
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That is one of the best articles I have read in a long time. I just wish I could remember much of this stuff such that I could lay it down in a argument.
I know the way to do that is to study its points, and list the key points, and then commit at least the outline to memory. (older brains don't work like younger ones)
This^^^ great article, so many coherent connected points that weaves it all together for us yet I realize though I understand and agree, articulating this is a challenge for me
You are very welcome. It is good to see so many people like the author of this article connecting the dots.
"The smell of tyranny is in the air. The level of propaganda, disinformation, and mistruth has reached astounding heights, as the ruling oligarchy/Deep State/globalist cabal are thrashing about violently because their frauds are being exposed on a daily basis. This shift to the tyranny of force has massive implications for everyone on the planet. When every quote from Orwell’s 1984 applies every day to everything swirling around us, you begin to realize we are in the midst of a dystopian nightmare which gets more ghoulish by the day."
Great article. In my early days(think 50s and 60s)"1984" was suppose to depict the USSR or communist China. Today it is the US, Canada, Western Europe, and most of what we call the free world. It's not free any longer. Orwell was a prophet. Gandhi was a martyr. Jesus is our savior. We are the warriors chosen by God to fight this battle.
Speculative dooming? Very creative indeed.
Know different viewpoint is never disabling or dooming, speculative or otherwise.
But I can tell you did not read a word of the article. If you had you would discover that it is not question directly whether or we will have an election.