I ordered from their and had my package taken, and a letter sent, saying you cannot import drugs from unapproved foreign countries due to safety checking.
Ivermectin for horses is sold on Amazon. Much cheaper for same product, just do the math to dose. This is a good site that requires a telephone consult if memory serves. There are cheaper sources like Dr. Stella and America's Frontline Doctors.
I've made three orders with this company with no problems.
Verpin-12 (Ivermectin) - 12mg (10 x 4 Tablets) (40 tablets) $49.50 plus shipping.
If your horse needs Ivermectin paste I can tell you that Chicks Discount Saddlery (Delaware) is excellent and VERY fast.
If you’re looking for pills then I suggest Farmacia del Nino in Acuna Mexico. They’re great, but it can take quite a bit longer to arrive.
I ordered from their and had my package taken, and a letter sent, saying you cannot import drugs from unapproved foreign countries due to safety checking.
I ordered from India Mart. I was very happy with the service.
I got 10 100 pk Ivermectin, 12 mg, $165
Ivermectin for horses is sold on Amazon. Much cheaper for same product, just do the math to dose. This is a good site that requires a telephone consult if memory serves. There are cheaper sources like Dr. Stella and America's Frontline Doctors.
I don't know about that site but I've ordered here and got enough for my whole family both IVM and HCQ. www.alldaychemist.com