There's only a couple hours of actual teacher instruction in a school day. That's about 10 hours a week. You could do a little each evening and finish on the weekend. Instructional videos and field trips count.
So if you see your children at least 10 hours a week, you can teach them.
That is so true. My daughter finished her first year's curriculum in 3 months. I thought I must have done something wrong! I used every opportunity with my children as a teaching moment. Every trip in vehicle regardless of where we went my children were told to grab a book, and I had them read out loud to me. They learned reading comprehension, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling and punctuation (plus history or whatever the book was about) as we drove. I taught them how to read maps and learn the freeway system while driving and traffic laws, etc. Going to the grocery store or other stores provided many teaching opportunities as well. You name the activity, and there will always be a way to teach your child something of value the indoctrination centers will never teach them.
At this point you can't call yourself a patriot and still send your offspring to the "public mkultra youth ministry."
I wish I could home school, single father of two.
There's only a couple hours of actual teacher instruction in a school day. That's about 10 hours a week. You could do a little each evening and finish on the weekend. Instructional videos and field trips count.
So if you see your children at least 10 hours a week, you can teach them.
That is so true. My daughter finished her first year's curriculum in 3 months. I thought I must have done something wrong! I used every opportunity with my children as a teaching moment. Every trip in vehicle regardless of where we went my children were told to grab a book, and I had them read out loud to me. They learned reading comprehension, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling and punctuation (plus history or whatever the book was about) as we drove. I taught them how to read maps and learn the freeway system while driving and traffic laws, etc. Going to the grocery store or other stores provided many teaching opportunities as well. You name the activity, and there will always be a way to teach your child something of value the indoctrination centers will never teach them.
That's the way all children learned hundreds of years ago. One big, never ending, field trip. :)
If I'd had children, I would have done that. I have a huge, very complete, library.