17JCsCrib26 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe Ivan Raiklin said he had more than that ready to deputize. But yeah, we will see when it happens. I've watched long enough to know something is happening behind the scenes, but also not usually what we are expecting to see. Part of the "moves and counter moves"

17JCsCrib26 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember when one of them tried it to Trump and it didn't go well if I remember correctly lol I think Macron?

17JCsCrib26 6 points ago +6 / -0

Right at the beginning, he says he knows Barack has been tested for AIDS, which is why Barack had to come back and say it was with Michelle, to not seem homosexual. Even though πŸ˜†

17JCsCrib26 4 points ago +4 / -0

Was it planted by law enforcement, because they were the ones actually scouting the area? I still feel like the kid was a patsy. They may have trained him and he partially knew what he was doing, but I just don't see him cooking all this up on his own and getting as far as he did.

17JCsCrib26 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good, I figured the push to name her was a bit much. I was merely commenting that from what I could see, she did seem to act a little funny before and after, but it was probably nothing

17JCsCrib26 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dang it looks like everyone is calling u-copy a fraud in the thread

17JCsCrib26 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, my first instant thought. I'm not going to say for certain one way or another, but easy to pull clips like this and skew them, just that fake media does. Thank you and u/supertootsday for using critical thinking, discernment and not emotion πŸ™ pull a few videos from concerts where security has to go in front of a crowd to tell concert goers to move back, maybe they will also be crouched down as to not block the view of others. I don't know, maybe he did have inside info, definitely a lot of suspicious things going on, but yeah I can see both situations being a possibility

17JCsCrib26 11 points ago +12 / -1

Yes, cannot be a staged event. Murder is not on the menu for the good guys, even if it is a "trap" set

17JCsCrib26 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've heard there's a way to use the ivermectin wash for humans as well, but it's been a while and I forget what was said about it. I also used the horse paste on my son, he was getting a mole that was growing weird in his hairline. After a couple weeks the mole popped off! Now you can barely tell it was there.

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