Deer are plentiful and a really dependable food source. They’re trying to keep you from supplementing red meat protein once the grocery store shelves are bare.
Red meat protein is good for your brain. That’s why the Cabal wants you to eat bugs and plant-based meat to dumb us down and keep us unhealthy.
I can’t stress how important omega 3 is. It’s brain food. When your mind is craving fatty foods like burgers and fries it’s actually your brain craving fatty acids like salmon and avocado.
I heard it on NPR last night on my ride home (I listen for the just to hear how batshit the left is). They were interviewing a scientist from Canada about the deer getting Sars/covid and how they now have a case of human transmission. They were warning people how we need to stay vigilant because this covid thing is far from over. So I decided to search "Deer covid" and lo and behold many stories from many leftist media, Nat Geo, MSN, CNN, etc., all within the last day. They are planting seeds, laying the groundwork.
They tried the "sick deer and elk can infect people that eat them" scenario already with the wildlife version of "mad cow", a few years ago. This scam won't work either.
Bambi is now a tool of the NWO?😱 Say it isn’t so.
Deer are plentiful and a really dependable food source. They’re trying to keep you from supplementing red meat protein once the grocery store shelves are bare.
Red meat protein is good for your brain. That’s why the Cabal wants you to eat bugs and plant-based meat to dumb us down and keep us unhealthy.
I can’t stress how important omega 3 is. It’s brain food. When your mind is craving fatty foods like burgers and fries it’s actually your brain craving fatty acids like salmon and avocado.
But humans don’t interact with deer on a regular basis… idk
I heard it on NPR last night on my ride home (I listen for the just to hear how batshit the left is). They were interviewing a scientist from Canada about the deer getting Sars/covid and how they now have a case of human transmission. They were warning people how we need to stay vigilant because this covid thing is far from over. So I decided to search "Deer covid" and lo and behold many stories from many leftist media, Nat Geo, MSN, CNN, etc., all within the last day. They are planting seeds, laying the groundwork.
Seen the price of beef lately? Bambi's on the menu.
They wouldn't deer to kill a Covid dare!
Nice movie reference.
They tried the "sick deer and elk can infect people that eat them" scenario already with the wildlife version of "mad cow", a few years ago. This scam won't work either.
The hunters become the hunted. 🤣