Lefty friend came over as he went rock climbing with my brother and stopped by to pick something up.
I was watching wag the dog.
Showed him some scenes after explaining the plot in general.
Then showed him some false tweets/stories over the ukraine situation including the flyover of moscow airforce show that was passed off as flying over Kiev, showed him the scene from a trailer when @misshattan mentioned ukrainian soldiers were saying goodbye to their wives.
Showed him that execution pic in vietnam that makes the audience feel for the desperate guy with hands tied his back as hes about to get shot in his head: (cant post links on GAW comments for some reason which sucks ass but you know the picture. Google "vietnam war gun to head")
After that I gave the context that the victim had actually caused quite a terrible attack yet the image creates feelings of support by appealing to your empathy with no context.
Mentioned the russian vehicles having Z's on every side so videos like that tank running over a car from years ago cant be used as propaganda.
Explained how Ukrainians are setting up in high sympathy civilian locations so casualties can be used. Admitted even republicans lied during the iraq fiasco, and told him you cant trust anything. Propaganda like this exists now and it always has, we are just able to call it out in real time now.
He left when my brother came back to take him to Applebee's half apps, but he left with seeds planted.
Keep on pilling.
I was outside earlier thinking deep on the state of the world, and all I could think is "we still haven't learned, have we?" War propaganda has such a deep history, and to see the parallels in real-time is just gut-wrenching. The world would be well-served to go back and refresh their histories on WWI and WWII, for starters.
We're getting there, champ!