Looking for assistance, please!
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I read an article the other day in which someone in Ukraine talked about how some of the bombs originated in Ukraine but were blamed on Russia. I have been unable to find that article again.
Do any of you know about this article, or can point me in the direction to find it? I don't remember if it was a link posted here or on one of my frequently-visited news sites (NON-MSM).
Any help would be appreciated, I'm trying to spread the word.
Not the article you're looking for, but this was posted yesterday about a French reporter getting shelled by Ukrainians: https://greatawakening.win/p/142ArbAqlW/this-french-reporter-says-my-w/c/
Thank you. I'm still looking for the article.
Again, not what you want but might be useful:
The Truth About Ukraine (6 minute video)
Any more specific info? bombing the power plant, bombing cities, bombing convoys or troops or structures?
The only genuine thing that Ukraine seems to have bombed was opening fire on their own erstwhile allies for refusing to follow orders. Link here:
I spologize, I have no more specific information. However, I do remember that it was not a "report" from any type of news agency. It was a article that quoted a person (possibly a woman) claiming that the bombs were originating in UKR and they were NOT RUS bombs.
I have looked as best I can on here, as well as through my computer history, to no avail. It was probably a quote within an article and the title of the article doesn't address the quote.
If I'm meant to find it, I will find it.
Thanks for your help.