This is so contrived, never in my whole life have I ever felt inclined to twist my hands in this weird way when talking to someone. The ONLY reason you would do this is if you are one of these evil psychopaths and you subscribe to their programme of destruction of humanity. I hate that bitch so much.
This is so contrived, never in my whole life have I ever felt inclined to twist my hands in this weird way when talking to someone. The ONLY reason you would do this is if you are one of these evil psychopaths and you subscribe to their programme of destruction of humanity. I hate that bitch so much.
Shades of Pelosi. Probably confirming to the overlords that they haven’t flipped yet.
She is kind of hot when the horse part is covered up, no?
she's a guy, so no.
I know. You missed the joke.
You missed the part where a joke is supposed to be funny. Kek!
me missing the joke is part of my branding :). thanks for clarifying.
He/she will go down with the rest of the cabal, hangings are still approved methods for traitors