I get free coffee at work and even at regular price its 1.79 for a 20 oz cup, Farmer Bros Breakfast blend is pretty good if I could afford it though I would buy Douwe Egbert for home, I absolutely love, love, love that coffee
Recently purchased a Keurig K-Mini and an official My K-Cup reusable pod.
There is a competing reusable pod called Perfect Pod and I buy the paper filters meant for that system and use them in the official reusable pod.
I do buy higher end ground coffee (not grinding my own at this point) but still spend less than 50 cents a cup. Filters I use work out to roughly 10 cents each and coffee at $6.99 for a 12 oz bag costs ~30 cents/cup (enough for 22 cups).
And I do buy bigger bags of coffee and take advantage of sales and coupons so I often knock that price per cup down quite a bit. As an example, I snagged a 20 oz. bag of Lavazza Classico for $6.99 because it was on sale for $9.99 (thanks to a $3 coupon).
If I bought the cheap store brand coffee, I could get this as low as 18-20 cents a cup due to the 10 cents I pay on the filter. The paper filter is a must for me because I hate the sludge that ends up in the bottom of the cup without it.
I also figured out how to brew espresso in one of those K-Minis with the My K-Cup. Espresso is ground really fine so it doesn't brew right in the reusable pods. End up with a watered down mess if you try brewing it as is. However, if you put 1 teaspoon of normal coffee on top, the water flows like normal and you get a nice strong cup of coffee.
Not sure how long you'll wait for it as it's shipped from the Netherlands but it's currently on sale for $3.99 a bag for the Douwe Egberts Aroma Rood Ground Coffee. Might be decent price even once shipping is factored in? The Best-By Date is 03/15/2022 which is why they're marking it down. Should still be good stuff well past that.
I've never drank Starbucks.
Some people pay more in a day than I pay in a week for coffee.
You're not missing anything.
I get free coffee at work and even at regular price its 1.79 for a 20 oz cup, Farmer Bros Breakfast blend is pretty good if I could afford it though I would buy Douwe Egbert for home, I absolutely love, love, love that coffee
I only make coffee at home.
Recently purchased a Keurig K-Mini and an official My K-Cup reusable pod.
There is a competing reusable pod called Perfect Pod and I buy the paper filters meant for that system and use them in the official reusable pod.
I do buy higher end ground coffee (not grinding my own at this point) but still spend less than 50 cents a cup. Filters I use work out to roughly 10 cents each and coffee at $6.99 for a 12 oz bag costs ~30 cents/cup (enough for 22 cups).
And I do buy bigger bags of coffee and take advantage of sales and coupons so I often knock that price per cup down quite a bit. As an example, I snagged a 20 oz. bag of Lavazza Classico for $6.99 because it was on sale for $9.99 (thanks to a $3 coupon).
If I bought the cheap store brand coffee, I could get this as low as 18-20 cents a cup due to the 10 cents I pay on the filter. The paper filter is a must for me because I hate the sludge that ends up in the bottom of the cup without it.
I also figured out how to brew espresso in one of those K-Minis with the My K-Cup. Espresso is ground really fine so it doesn't brew right in the reusable pods. End up with a watered down mess if you try brewing it as is. However, if you put 1 teaspoon of normal coffee on top, the water flows like normal and you get a nice strong cup of coffee.
Can't beat free though.
And looks like you can buy Douwe Egbert here - https://www.enjoybettercoffee.com/Douwe-Egberts-s/778.htm
Not sure how long you'll wait for it as it's shipped from the Netherlands but it's currently on sale for $3.99 a bag for the Douwe Egberts Aroma Rood Ground Coffee. Might be decent price even once shipping is factored in? The Best-By Date is 03/15/2022 which is why they're marking it down. Should still be good stuff well past that.