Agree. Interested in your thoughts: There is global information war against "Build Back Better." An International Alliance was formed to thwart this NWO "Better Business Bureau" effort. Russia Ukraine now in first outbreak of a shooting war. Russia is the tip of the spear of this International Alliance. Can USA citizens overcome their long term entrainment that Russia is the evil empire?
The other name for it is: "The Great Reset," and really all that means is that the bankers and intelligence agencies robbed us blind and cannot afford to pay any of it back, the the world derivative exposure (quadrillions - if you wrap you head around that number) and the outright pension theft. So lets "reset" and expedite the depopulation movement, we'll enslave the rest so no one can challenge our status and authority.
Agree. Interested in your thoughts: There is global information war against "Build Back Better." An International Alliance was formed to thwart this NWO "Better Business Bureau" effort. Russia Ukraine now in first outbreak of a shooting war. Russia is the tip of the spear of this International Alliance. Can USA citizens overcome their long term entrainment that Russia is the evil empire?
The other name for it is: "The Great Reset," and really all that means is that the bankers and intelligence agencies robbed us blind and cannot afford to pay any of it back, the the world derivative exposure (quadrillions - if you wrap you head around that number) and the outright pension theft. So lets "reset" and expedite the depopulation movement, we'll enslave the rest so no one can challenge our status and authority.