because people can't break the habit of turning on the evening network news.
Over several decades, the soothing voices of Walter Cronkite, Tom Brokaw, and the rest melded with the aroma of frying chicken, fresh bread in the oven, etc. to create an addicting sense of comfort that goes together with sitting one's butt in front of the tell-lie-vision.
Gonna have to 'pull a Putin' and just prohibit those bastards from broadcasting.
because people can't break the habit of turning on the evening network news.
Over several decades, the soothing voices of Walter Cronkite, Tom Brokaw, and the rest melded with the aroma of frying chicken, fresh bread in the oven, etc. to create an addicting sense of comfort that goes together with sitting one's butt in front of the tell-lie-vision.
Gonna have to 'pull a Putin' and just prohibit those bastards from broadcasting.