Putin and Patriache Kirill have made it evident over the years The US is a Satanic empire.
The Bolsheviks are considered literal Satanists by the Russian Orthodox Church. The Russian Empire would rely on autonomous empires for military might, including the Chechen and Cossacks.
The leader of Chechnya literally called the Nazis devil's and demons and wants Putin to allow the Chechen to take all of Ukraine. The Chechen, like native Americans, remove the head if that which they're killing is evil or possessed. While the Natives awaited their Lost White Brother who comes from the East, other clans of white people are evil (British and Spanish especially). Natives have lived peacefully with most Europeans but not colonizers.
The Muslims, Christains, and non heretical Jews, and Natives are awaiting Christ. The pharisees were the Jewish elite, and they conspired to kill Christ. The only other Jews who didn't like Christ were the ones worshipping demons. Christ put a legion of demons in a flock of pigs. The pigs jumped of a cliff and died and the townspeople chased Christ out of town.
Orthodox Jews in rabbinical court have denounced the vaccine. Non heretical Jews aren't Zionists (no divine sign to return to Israel).
So this is a Holy War. And it would make sense the Russian troops are getting documents about defeating the satanic empire. The Russians built an Orthodox church to withstand a nuclear strike on a military base. The Chechen don't lightly call people devil's and demons.
Putin and Patriache Kirill have made it evident over the years The US is a Satanic empire.
The Bolsheviks are considered literal Satanists by the Russian Orthodox Church. The Russian Empire would rely on autonomous empires for military might, including the Chechen and Cossacks.
The leader of Chechnya literally called the Nazis devil's and demons and wants Putin to allow the Chechen to take all of Ukraine. The Chechen, like native Americans, remove the head if that which they're killing is evil or possessed. While the Natives awaited their Lost White Brother who comes from the East, other clans of white people are evil (British and Spanish especially). Natives have lived peacefully with most Europeans but not colonizers.
The Muslims, Christains, and non heretical Jews, and Natives are awaiting Christ. The pharisees were the Jewish elite, and they conspired to kill Christ. The only other Jews who didn't like Christ were the ones worshipping demons. Christ put a legion of demons in a flock of pigs. The pigs jumped of a cliff and died and the townspeople chased Christ out of town.
Orthodox Jews in rabbinical court have denounced the vaccine. Non heretical Jews aren't Zionists (no divine sign to return to Israel).
So this is a Holy War. And it would make sense the Russian troops are getting documents about defeating the satanic empire. The Russians built an Orthodox church to withstand a nuclear strike on a military base. The Chechen don't lightly call people devil's and demons.
The Russian empire was very ethnically diverse.